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Executing on MacOS

When trying to run AWB Editor in MacOS you might encounter the following issues:

Unable to load Java Runtime Environment

To solve this issue install the Java Virtual Machine, you can download it from Adoptium.

All download options are here https://adoptium.net/temurin/releases/. Select in "Type of package": JRE, and look for the proper version.

"AWB Editor" is damaged and can't be opened. You should move it to the Trash.

In MacOS v10.7.5 software signature verification was introduced and that can cause the << "AWB Editor" is damaged and can't be opened. You should move it to the Trash. >> error message, you can find the solution in this article in the section under the title "How to open a blocked app".

The procedure basically involves:

  1. Try to open the application (downloaded file). You will get an error message
  2. Then go to System Preferences, Security & Privacy, select General tab
  3. You should see an "Open anyway" button. Click it and allow the execution