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FWB/eAWB support


Support in AWB Editor

AWB Editor supports all the basic electronic documents/messages required by freight forwarders, you may find more information about FWB/eAWB and how to use it in AWB Editor in the FWB/eAWB startup guide.

And you can find the airlines to which we can submit electronic documents in the FWB/eAWB supported airlines list. However note that to submit electronic documents to some airlines additional setup is required on the airlines' side.


We charge for the messages sent or received depending on the type of connection we use to send messages to airline. For airlines to which we are connected using the SITA/ARINC network there is a surcharge of USD 0.20 per each message sent or received. That means that for most shipments you will have to pay a surcharge of USD 0.40 as in most cases one FWB is sent to the airline and one FMA is received from the airline.

For airlines to which we are connected using an internet protocol the transmission of messages have no surcharges. You can check the type of connection with each airline in the list of airlines.

SITA/ARINCUSD 0.20 per message
Internetfree of charge

Each month you will receive an email with the summary of all your activity, and you will be charged for the transmission when you renew your license of AWB Editor.


To start sending FWB and other CargoIMP messages first you will have to register with us, to do so click on the button below:


To send eAWB messages you will also have to request so to each airline, they will ask you to sign a contract that will give FWBs the same validity as paper AWBs. Most airlines use IATA's Multilateral eAWB Agreement. However before starting with eAWB it is recommended that you send a few FWB to make sure everything works as expected.